5 Steps to a Transformative Year in 2025
“If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’re getting. You want change, make some.”
From 2002 to 2012, I was laser-focused on my goals, working hard to achieve them, and move on to the next one.
Complete my Freshman Year of College ✅ Get into the Education Program ✅ Graduate College with a B.S. ✅ Get a Teaching Job ✅ Get a Coaching Job ✅
Meet a Good Man ✅ Get Married ✅ Start a Family with Kids ✅
That last goal had many, many challenges placed in front of us, however, we overcame, and our lovely little lady was born in August 2012 and later our son in 2014.
After that there were no more goals, just mundane tasks to keep little people (and us big people) alive and well. We fell into a rhythm and our focus changed from what we wanted to achieve, to what we needed to do. [I want to be clear and acknowledge that when you’re in the thick of it, you may be in survival mode or just overly exhausted from the need-to-do list. But I also want to acknowledge that I believe being in the “thick of it” is a mindset. I’m still in the thick of it, yet I am prioritizing differently and maintaining a different mindset…there is a way.]
In 2019, I got neck deep into personal development books and podcasts and my mindset shifted for the better. I realized these little people I’m nurturing and raising, are watching….listening…and mimicking what I am doing, what I am saying, and what I am believing. It was time for a new me to emerge, one that had goals and was actively striving to achieve them.
Disclaimer: If you are feeling triggered and frustrated by this blog post because you cannot imagine it to be this easy, I hear you. I was you at this stage in 2018, extremely irritated by people saying, “just read a book, get outside and exercise, and change your life.” 🤮 And yet, you want to know what I did to get on the positive mindset train? I poured into myself with positive self development books, I went for daily walks, and I connected with women who wanted to change their life for the better. The advice for self development has always been the same because, it works!
✨ Next level unlocked. ✨
Now, goal setting and tracking is a part of my life. If you walk into my office, you’ll see a giant wall calendar with post-its tracking my business goals. You’ll see a large 2025 calendar tracking my personal goals. You’ll see my bingo card framed above my light switch so I can see it as I exit the room. Does it sound obsessive? YEP! But would I rather obsess over what I could achieve than obsess over what I can’t do because of all of my wife/spouse/business owner responsibilities? Also, YEP!
You don’t need to get obsessive, but you can take some simple steps to not only give you clarity over your goals, but also to drive your excitement to take action to achieve them! Let’s dive into 5 easy steps to take to truly set you up for a transformative year!
Step 1: Reflect
“You can’t know where you are going, until you know where you’ve been.” An activity that was so valuable for me as 2024 wrapped up was scrolling through my pictures! [Not an ad: If you are not utilizing Google Photos —- what is holding you back? There is a way to search by location, people, dates, etc to help you pull memories up quickly!] I smiled through my photos of 2024, forgetting the delicious charcuterie board we made at a friends weekend in early January, the spaghetti challenge I facilitated to my largest audience to date in February, St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans in March…etc. I ended up writing a journal entry all about the hidden gems of 2024. I then looked for the gaps in 2024 —- the things I said I was going to do that I didn’t accomplish. My 2024 bucket list had a lot of items not crossed off! This reflection allowed me to do just that —- REFLECT on the year.
Step 2: Dream
I recently came across a podcast clip from The Something New Show, where the host asks, “If I ran into you in 3 years and haven’t seen you in that time and I ask you, ‘how have you been?’ and you say, ‘It’s been the best 3 years of my life!’ What does that look like for you? What would that mean for you?”
I absolutely LOVE this question! If you told me at the end of 2025 that this was a transformational year! What would that have included?
If you told me, this year I lived intentionally. What would that include?
Instead of trying to dream up something new, answer this question: What would the BEST YEAR entail?
Journal on that, dream on that, discuss with your bestie the answer to this question, but don’t set your goals without answering it.
Step 3: Stop
I talked on Episode 73 of the What If It Works podcast about things that are getting in your way that you may need to let go of in 2025. Now, I want you to make a list of things that you need to STOP doing as they are not serving you, your goals, your vision, or your future.
These could be small actions like:
Stop calling that one friend that only has negative stories from their day
Stop talking to yourself in the car about all of the overwhelming tasks of the day
Stop watching tv after the kids go to bed
Stop grabbing a coffee after work because it is sugar before supper and keeps you up until 1 am (welcome to your 40s if that is you 😉)
Or they could be big actions that have big impact:
Stop telling yourself your world, self, body won’t ever change —- that is a mindset, friend!
Stop letting your child’s mood dictate yours
Stop believing that no one has time for you (and start asking people to make plans)
What are the actions that you can tell are not serving you —- whether big or small? Make a list and be honest. For me this is tv at night — Brian and I use it as a way to “connect” after the kids go to bed. What a lie we tell ourselves! In reality, we are both just staring at a screen for an hour or two and then getting ready for bed and turning the lights off. Where was the connection? We had to STOP watching “our favorite shows” from 9 - 11 pm. First off, we watched our favorite shows years ago, now we’re just scrolling for something that looks a little interesting, even if it’s not.
Step 4: Start
Okay, Ann, if you’re going to stop watching tv, what are you going to do? Great question! Read and sleep. I’m in a challenge group right now with @coachabigailbrynne and we’re reading the book, “Eat Move Sleep” by Tom Rath. And boy oh boy does he give the best reasons to get more sleep at night. It makes me a little embarrassed that I’ve been living by the “6 hours is all I need” mantra. Yikes! We’ve been in bed by 10 pm for the past two weeks and are loving it (except for last night’s terrible Viking loss, which we will not dwell on). I’m reading from 9-10 pm usually (although 3 of the nights I crawled in to read and found myself asleep by 9:30 pm).
What do you need to start doing that will bring you joy, energy, positivity, proximity to your goals?
My advice is to start small and just keep adding! I’ve been on a mission to eat 3 meals a day for a long time now…like years friends, don’t judge please. And now that I’ve finally made it a habit to prioritize eating 3 meals, now I can start to prioritize eating protein at those meals. I would have failed on day 3 if I gave up after only completing 2 days of protein at all 3 meals, so it’s not about checking a box, it’s about starting something that will be what’s best for you in the long run.
What is on your start list? Let’s make a list of these in the comments below to help others brainstorm ideas of what could serve them in 2025! Comment now. 👇🏼
Step 5: Continue
What are you already doing that is great for you? Keep doing that! Don’t go into a new year thinking you have to change everything…because I promise you, it will be a quick road to failure. What are you doing that you love and is working for you in this season? I’m loving my long-drive phone calls. I love connecting with friends and family when I’m on the road. So, instead of being upset with myself that I don’t have time to hang out with friends or enjoy coffee chats with them, I seek out the time in the car to have a reconnection phone call. This allows me to kill two birds with one stone and use my time purposefully and intentionally to have more connection in 2025.
Think back to those pictures you scrolled through, what from those photos brought a smile on your face? How can you continue doing more of that in the new year?
Yes, a transformational year involves changing but it can also involve hand selecting what stays in your life and what goes.
As always, you get to decide what your year looks like. It may include some crazy curveballs, but that is life. You get to decide how you handle those curveballs and have “the best year” as you envision.
Can’t wait to hear what actions you plan to take and what results you will see by the end of 2025! You got this! 👊🏼