5 in 2025: 5 Myths Keeping You From a Positive Shift

“Nothing works for me!”

“It doesn’t matter if I change, my life will still suck.”

“It is what it is, I can’t change my circumstances.”

These beliefs are HOLDING YOU BACK, like WAAAAAY BACK! It is time to clear these mental hurdles, and build momentum to create a positive shift in your life. What are you shifting exactly? Your attitude. Your belief. Your relationships. Your work environment. Your life…

As a motivational speaker, I often have people wait to speak to me after my speeches. They’ll thank me for sharing my message and then they’ll sneak in a belief statement that sounds something like:

“This was great, but you don’t know the people I work with.”

“This was so good, but my life is just so complicated right now.”

“I loved this, but I just don’t have the time to take action like this.”

I usually smile, nod, and then say, “but what if it works?” (Psst: That’s the name of my podcast, if you’d rather listen to stories instead of read them: Listen Here)

As we converse, I usually hear one of the five myths below, which are precisely that — myths, defined as a widely held, but false idea or belief. As you read the list below, reflect on whether or not any of these are holding you back from creating change or getting a new result. And if so, let’s start to shift that belief and create NEW RESULTS!

MYTH #1: I can’t do that.

This might be my least favorite because if your child or new employee came up to you and said this, you would almost instantly disagree with them and try to convince them otherwise. But when it’s ourselves we’re talking to, we have a tendency to agree and give up the fight easily.

So you haven’t done it…yet. I’d love for you to think back to a time when you did accomplish something that in the beginning you did not think you could do. Was it beat a running PR? Was it graduate with honors? Did you tell yourself you’d never get a job you applied for or get a promotion you hoped for? And yet, now you’re smiling, thinking about how it happened?

Think to yourself: What did it take for you to accomplish that task? What did you do differently to meet that goal, that you’re not doing now? What has worked for you in the past that you could utilize in the present to get over the mental hurdle and prove to yourself that this new way forward is possible!

And honestly ask yourself, What If It Works? What results would you see if you did do this thing? What would change in your life if you did accomplish this task, new level in business, new title, etc. Let the results that you desire drive your actions to get you there.

MYTH #2: I always have good intentions of starting something new, but I find myself unable to stick with it and doing the same things I’ve always done.

This all sounds great, Ann, but let me tell you, I’ll go right back to my old ways! That is a mindset, not reality!

I have notebooks (many, many notebooks) full of totally drawn out ideas for new courses, new business ideas, and new keynotes that I just have not followed through on. Does that make me a failure, no. It makes me a dreamer. But dreams without goals are just wishes, right? This is why you finding what works for you to stick with something is so important!

For me, it’s accountability! Whenever I have accountability, I absolutely CRUSH my goals and hit completely new levels I never even thought possible! I am currently in a Monday Writing Accountability group to keep focused on my book goals and let me tell you…I’ve written more in 3 weeks than the last 3 months!

Once again, reflect on when you did follow through, what helped you in that scenario that you can duplicate now. And, simply reach out if you need accountability!

MYTH #3: Even if I try this, my circumstances won’t change.

FALSE! You’ve got to stop believing this if you instantly resonated with this myth!

It is amazing how opportunities pop up when you are ready for them, meaning when you’re ready to receive them because your mind is open.

When you start to shift your belief to: When I start to shift in this positive way, more of ______ will come my way. It’s incredible how true that becomes.

As you start to shift your mindset and belief, your R.A.S. starts to shift too!

R.A.S. = Reticular Activating System: A network of neurons in the brainstem that helps you focus on and filter information.

When you believe, “when I make change, my circumstances will change,” your brain will automatically start to look for evidence that this is indeed true. What you tell your brain to focus on, it will! I recently heard that you should treat your brain like an employee by giving it tasks instead of asking it what it thinks. Because our brains were made to keep us alive, not focus on thriving.

What do you need to be telling your brain you want to see? What actions will help you achieve that vision sooner?

MYTH #4: Even if I try this, my employees (team/kids/spouse/parents) won’t change.

It’s amazing how people follow the lead of others. When you start to create POSITIVE change, people will want that for themselves. They might be stuck at Myth #1, 2, or 3 themselves and they cannot envision a new way forward. But when they see YOU take action and create a positive shift, they will realize it is possible for them too! Many people are in the “gotta see it to believe it” camp, so show them a new way forward by first taking the action yourself!

Think back to your childhood to one of your mentors. It could be a teacher, coach, parent, grandparent, neighbor or family friend, think of someone who believed in you and told you who they believed you were. Did you believe them? YES! Because when other people believe in us, we can begin to believe in ourselves!

You are this for someone in the office, at home, or in your relationships! There is immense power in belief and you have an opportunity each and every day to inspire and empower those around you to believe in themselves and take actions to see the results they want. When you show them how you’ve done this for yourself, simply watch how they begin to change and shift in the best way too!

MYTH #5: Even if I try to change, my management won’t change.

I fell victim to this belief for YEARS in education. I thought I was a product of their leadership, good or bad. Well, friend, that is false.

Just as my message in Myth #4, when you start to shift for the better, usually positive results follow. What does management want to see more of? That’s right, positive results. They might also fall victim to the idea that change won’t make things better and they need YOU to show them!

Your fresh perspective, positive mindset, and empowered belief will create change and your management will take notice. You’ll know because they will take an interest in your results. Your production numbers are up, they’ll notice. The team is coming up with creative ideas and working together to achieve new results, they’ll notice.

Once you’ve got their attention, you’ll be able to lead the way and start to shift their minds about what can be done and what positive impact can be made.

And if not, you’ve outgrown that space and there is another company that would absolutely LOVE to have you leading a team of energized employees.

But if you don’t start, you won’t know what your true potential could be, what incredible changes could develop, and what a wonderful culture you can create!

And what if it works? Just think of the exponential results that are waiting for you!

Start today. Ask yourself what hurdle is in front of you right now, take action, and grow your belief!


5 Steps to a Transformative Year in 2025